So she’s on a road.

So she’s on a road.

She’s been driving. She’s been driving a long time.

She pulls up on the side of the road one day. It is hot. The sun is burning down. She can’t see anyone around for miles. There’s a feeling in her elbows she’s trying to shake off. She sits on the side of the road against the car. Kicks the dust. The road turns up ahead and meanders through a hill. A bird calls out. She begins to hum a tune and pretty soon she’s singing a song and then she’s shouting out the lyrics. The bird flies away. She’s got her head in her hands.
Truck go past, shaking the earth so that she can feel it in her ears
She calls out. Calls out to the emptiness of everything.
She screams then. Screams until she is hoarse.
Later, she dusts off the gravel from her jeans. Gets back in the car. Drives away.
Posted in Uncategorized.

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